Hacker News Hiring Trends

Built this API-driven data pipeline and analysis system for analyzing trends in software development technologies through Hacker News submissions.
Technologies Used:
- Ruby
- JavaScript
- Redis
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This page features a collection of some of my most significant personal project work. As Software Developers, we often build incredible solutions in our daily work, but it can be challenging to publicly showcase these solutions due to their proprietary nature. To address this, both for personal development and interest, I've dedicated time over the years to building personal projects that demonstrate my skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.
Built this API-driven data pipeline and analysis system for analyzing trends in software development technologies through Hacker News submissions.
Scout the right people and communities, inform your interests. Use it to easily monitor Twitter hashtags, search for Twitter Lists. Co-developed this tool to continue to refine Twitter automation and discovery capabilities.
Electoral provided tools to quickly build powerful Twitter Lists to stay up to date on your interests and find the right people to listen to.
Twitter List Builder helps you quickly build Twitter lists from any build list of people tweeting a hashtag to follow them after the event.
Co-developer of this responsive web application that enables people to to send $5 for a beer with a simple Tweet, by linking Twitter and PayPal together through Chirpify.
Co-developed this mobile web application for Hawaiian Airlines for not. I provided implementation in Rails, PostgreSQL, jQuery Mobile, and 3rd party APIs (FourSquare, Twitter and Facebook). This app also features extensive use of geolocation, mapping, geocoding, distance calcuations and data synchronization.
Energizing early stage startups.
Not everybody has thousands of followers, so LazyTweet was created to give everybody a chance to get their burning questions answered.
This was one of the first applications to utilize Twitter's OAuth integration.
Local Signal was a city-based feed aggregrator built on the LAMP stack created to have a single site to visit to keep track of the latest news, events, and social media (blog posts, social bookmarks, pictures, videos, etc.). The core feed engine primarily parses RSS but is flexible enough to work easily with custom formats found in various APIs. Other features include dynamic content display (utilizing YUI library).
I developed this Google Maps mashup to highlight the explosion of new internet applications generally considered to be Web 2.0. This application was extremely popular, making the Digg front page and meriting mention by dozens of blogs. Technologies included JavaScript, XML, .NET, AJAX, the Google Maps API, and the Yahoo Geocoding API.
Coverage on O'Reilly RadarCo-founder and lead developer for this innovative social personal finance website launched in July 2005. NetworthIQ was built on ASP.NET/MySQL.
NetworthIQ grew to over 19,000 registered users and has been included in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Washington Post, Business Week, Dallas Morning News, Boston Globe, and was in many "Top Web 2.0" lists.